95 Eastgate Shopping Center | East Alton, IL | 618-373-9099
Class Descriptions
We offer a variety of class times and styles to fit your busy schedule. We look forward to seeing you at the studio!

Beginner yoga
Are you ready to start your yoga journey? Are you not sure where to begin? We will learn from the ground up. We will learn the proper foundations and postures for you to be comfortable in poses. We will introduce you to basic yoga poses, show you how to use your props, how to move with intention and the importance of breathing properly during yoga. Remember that yoga is a practice, and it takes time to connect with yourself and your body.
Gentle Yoga
Gentle yoga is a style of yoga centered around slow movement and breath connection. This is integrated with pausing and diving deep into the stillness of long held postures. Awareness is
drawn inward toward oneself during this process. This class focuses on alignment of the body, breathwork, light strengthening, and flexibility.
drawn inward toward oneself during this process. This class focuses on alignment of the body, breathwork, light strengthening, and flexibility.
Buti Yoga
Buti Yoga practice fuses yoga with plyometrics, cardio bursts and tribal dance. It promotes weight loss, strength gain, mind-body connection, empowerment, and self-love! Buti is a Marathi word that means the “cure to healing something hidden or kept secret.” Buti is a practice that beautifully embodies the divine female awakening grounded in a traditional vinyasa practice. Buti empowers women by activating Kundalini energy through combining traditional hatha movements with tribal dance and plyometrics. Buti is practiced to high energy and upbeat music allowing women to free their minds, bodies, and hips. This freedom allows women to engage in a meditative and empowering experience that brings heat to the core and unleashes a feminine expression of yoga. In Buti, we sculpt muscles while the body is in an optimal fat burning zone, using power yoga flow as an active recovery and muscle lengthening tool. Buti is challenging, uplifting, empowering and will make you sweat! Buti is a perfect fit it for any woman looking to release her inner warrior.
Rise & Stretch
Welcome to a new day! Wake up the mind and the body for the day ahead! Breath becomes the focus by which you release tension from the body and mind. Practice will consist of gentle movement, stretching and breathwork. Beginner friendly!
Wind Down Yoga
Need to wind down at the end of the day? This class will help you shift gears as you move into your evening or rest time, allowing you space for centering and grounding. Class is centered on unwinding the body with the use of yoga straps, blocks, and bolsters; while incorporating gentle yoga postures to improve balance and flexibility.
Kundalini Yoga
In this practice, the focus is on the movement and transformation of energy through a series of kriyas. Kriyas are complete actions that consist of asana (body postures), mudras (hand positions), pranayama (breathwork), mantras (intentional, repeated sounds), bandhas (constriction of particular areas of the body), drishti (directing the gaze of the eyes), and savasana (relaxation at the end of practice). Each kriya is designed to bring about a specific result in consciousness, ranging from physical benefits (such as better digestion) to more etheric goals (like cultivating an open heart). Kundalini Yoga is known for its ability to transform, providing physical strength and stamina, improving cognitive function, developing emotional fitness, and connecting spiritually. Practitioners often describe the experience as exhilarating, euphoric, and powerful.
Yoga Your Way
Join us for an afternoon break! What does Yoga Your Way mean? Instead of doing a flow class, restorative class or a yin class….we will check in with each other and together decide how to best meet our needs for the day. This class will encourage you to gently open, rewind, stretch, and refocus. You will reduce your stress and learn breathing techniques to help you throughout your day. This class is for every type of body, every level of skill and flexibility. The best part is absolutely no experience is necessary.
Breathe & Flow
Hatha flow to help link breath to movement. This style of yoga is intended to help improve your body mind connection as we progress through various postures, breathwork, meditations while increasing strength, flexibility, mindfulness, and relaxation. Leave the ego at the door as you enter this judgment free zone to reconnect to yourself!
Restorative Yoga
The beauty of Restorative yoga is that we don’t have to contract our muscles. Though we often believe we have to "work" to increase our flexibility, we can in fact, achieve more opening by softening and relaxing than by forcing our way through a strong, dynamic asana practice. Because our body and minds become softer, this means we can also create the space to get in touch with our natural qualities of compassion and understanding of others and self.